Sericulture Information Linkages
And Knowledge System

Central Silk Board, Minisitry of Textiles, Government of India, Bangalore
Kamrup, Assam

Mulberry Crop Production Technology

  • Clayey loam to loam soils are much preferred.
  • Soil pH 6.5 to 7.0 is very ideal.
  • If soil is acidic (below pH 7.0) lime is added.
  • If soil is alkaline (above pH 7.0) gypsum is added.
  • Preparation of nursery beds 20 to 30°C temperature is suitable for mulberry plant growth.
  • Optimum rainfall required -1000 – 1500 mm.
Nursery raising
  • Season: June-July and November-December in the year.
Land Preparation
  • Select elevated, flat,well drained light textured, deep loamy or clay loamy soil.
  • Give deep digging/ploughing two times in both the directions.
  • Give a fine tilt after 10-15 days of digging/ploughing.
  • Prepare the bed size of 300 x 120 cm (Length and width).
  • Provide drain channels of 25-30 cm width and 15-20 cm deep.
  • Apply 20 kg FYM/ bed.
Preparation of cutting
  • Use eight months old twigs as planting material.
  • Prepare cuttings of 15-20 cm length and 1-1.5 cm diameter having 3-4 active buds
  • Store the cuttings wrapped with wet gunny cloth in shade.
  • Sprinkle water if transplantation is extended/postponed.
Planting Techniques
  • Provide 20 cm spacing between rows and 8 cm between cuttings.
  • Make holes with a stock in the soil to insert cuttings.
  • Plant the cutting in slant position.
  • Press the soil firmly around the cuttings.
  • Provide mulching with dried mulberry twigs, thatch etc.
  • Irrigate the nursery once in a week during dry period.
Maintenance of mulberry nursery
  • Irrigate the nursery once in a week during dry period.
  • Keep the nursery bed weed free.
Fertilizer application to nursery
  • After 55-60 days of growth, apply 500 g ammonium sulphate or 250 g urea dissolved in the irrigation water for each bed.
Disease and pest management in the mulberry nursery
  • Spray 0.1% DDVP against Tukra.
  • Spray 0.1% Bavistin against powdery mildew.
  • After three to four months, saplings become ready for transplanting.
  • Irrigate the nursery beds prior to transplanting.
  • Uproot the saplings with a spade or pick-axe.
  • Sprinkle water in case of preservation for shorter duration.
  • Pack the saplings in wet gunny cloth to avoid desiccation of roots if long distance transportation is required.
Plantation in the main field

Season : June – September (During monsoon).

Land preparation
  • Prepare the land by ploughing and cross ploughing with power tiller or tractor during pre monsoon showers to a depth of 30 cm.
Preparation for paired row plantation
  • Paired rows system of (150 cm + 90 cm) × 60 cm spacing is recommended.
  • In this type of plantation 13,887 plants can be accommodated in one ha of land.
  • This system of spacing facilitates adoption of mechanization for intercultural operations using tractor/power tiller.
  • Transplant the saplings during monsoon and press the soil firmly around the sapling.
  • Mulch the base of the sapling with dry leaves/ thatch/mulberry twigs.
  • Water the sapling immediately after transplanting.
Crop management practices
  • Give a light hoeing after one month of plantation to eliminate weeds and for aeration.
  • Give two more weeding and light digging at an interval of one month.
  • Irrigate the plants as and when necessary.
  • Apply FYM @ 25 MT/ha/year.
  • From 2nd year onwards apply NPK @ 350:140:140/ha/year.
  • Five crops can be taken from V1 or S36 variety/year.

Name of the Technology :  “POSHAN” a multinutrient formulation to control the nutrientdeficiencies in mulberry.

Year of Recommendation : 21.11. 2011

Salient features of the technology:
  • A multinutrient formulation of balanced nutrients along with growth promoters for correcting nutrient deficiencies in mulberry.
  • Provides nutrients for rapid utilization and faster recovery of deficiency than soil application.
  • Improves mulberry leaf quality (total proteins – 45.93 %; total sugars – 46.34 % & leaf moisture content – 20.98 %) and reduction in leaf yield loss up to 30.77 % in comparison to nutrient deficient control.
  • Improves the leaf quality and yield up to 15-20% even in good gardens.
  • The technology is farmer friendly as only one spray/crop is recommended for improving the quality of leaf thereby reducing the cost of cultivation.
  • C: B ratio of Poshan application is 1: 7.00
silks  silks  silks  silks
Method of application:
  • Dilute 1 liter Poshan with 140 liters of water and spray on one acre of mulberry (@ 7ml /L)
  • Spray on mulberry foliage, 25 to 30 days after pruning or leaf picking during early hours of forenoon between 8 AM to 11AM till drenched.

Cost of POSHAN per liter : Rs150/-


Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute, Behrampur, West Bengal