Sericulture Information Linkages
And Knowledge System

Central Silk Board, Minisitry of Textiles, Government of India, Bangalore
Pune, Maharashtra


SILKS (Sericulture Information Linkages and Knowledge System) is a single window, ICT-based information and advisory services system for the farmers practicing sericulture.

The objectives of SILKS would be to

  • Provide computerized information storage, value addition, and supply sericulture knowledge to the farmers.
  • Provide planning and advisory services in formats and language appropriate for the local sericulturists.
  • Supply the information and advisory services through Internet and satellite – based communication.

Each SILKS will have modules of information on the natural resources potential suitability for sericulture, agro-climatic conditions, package of best practices of sericulture, cocoon and silk marketing information, etc.

SILKS works in client-server mode and therefore enable running of application remotely. The database and other packages reside in the server. Map server is used as main GIS engine. Apache web server has been used at the server side. Interactive map module is developed using Chameleon and PHP/Map script. The SILKS enables viewing, analyses, and extraction of spatial data without using any GIS or commercial map libraries in the back-end. The spatial data used in SILKS is Shapefile format, which is open format.